Eileen Marie

Style Strength Soul

Springtime Euphoria…. Tempting our Souls!

Manolo Blahnik – Zburgaba

These Manolo Blahniks in a deep plum orchid are the type of shoe that can enliven a woman’s mood, spurring a radiant glow as we slide them on. A crafted sexy wooden heel with scalloped soft leather, a work of art to adorn our soles. While this heel is also available in black, the orchid captivated me and has such a vivid feel. It may not be a coincidence that purple orchids, reminding us of exotic tropical locales are of one of my favorite flowers.
I most often refer to this glow and energy which we can attribute to shoes or rather art as a so called euphoria.  You know… that elated feeling that causes us to forget for a short period of time about the stresses and mounting agenda reverberating through our minds. I know I am not the only one to confess that shoes can sometimes make us feel better. This is not an exaggeration. Whether that cold that is making us want to nap or perplexed confusion caused by men’s communication skills, they can truly put you in a better state of mind. Let’s not misconstrue, many days or moments don’t call for a shoe of such stature. While my red house slippers, nikes, pumas, suede pumps, or leather boots are so dear, some shoes can make us feel alive. A rush of sorts which I will dare to associate with first kissing a man that makes us all warm inside and out with a surge in energy regardless of how little sleep we have had. Alright well, surely no substitute for the touch of a man’s hands on a woman’s back but they will make us feel alive and glowing wherever we choose to wear them. No special occasion needed whatsoever! 
Some other tempting soles that caught my eye as we look forward to spring!
As life, love and milestones can be so precious albeit worth every effort, shoes  may be referred to as an accessory that accompany us along on our journey adding moments of joy to walk gallantly when we might not otherwise. 
1 Discussion on “Springtime Euphoria…. Tempting our Souls!”
  • this was so beautiful and peaceful and made me happy for you.
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    Welcome back. Wonderful photos, wonderful story. So glad you could be there.